Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Confessions of a soccer wife surrounded by the VA mountains, my faith, many cups of coffee
and my 3 sweet men in this sometimes crazy, yet beautifully blessed life!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Our sweet four year old

Dear sweet Jackson,

I can hardly believe 4 years have flown by.  Everyone would tell your Daddy and I not to blink and here we're already four.  It's so hard to even imagine life before you. 

You have been our biggest adventure and we have loved every second!  You are your Daddy in a 4 year form!  You are constantly wanting to do any and everything active.  You are already so much into sports,...I'm a little nervous that we are going to be flying here and there, and everywhere when you're old enough to play on teams.  You are always wanting to go outside and play baseball, play "PIG" basketball, or soccer.  You spent your birthday money on a new pair of cleats and a NIKE soccer ball.  It had to be NIKE.  I'm surprised your not sleeping with the neon size 3 ball. You are so stinking silly.  You make up funny words and you laugh hysterically at your own jokes.  Me and Daddy are almost in tears when you get in "Silly Jackson Mode".  You and your silly faces and hand motions.  I can already see you voted Class Clown when you're 18.  Although you are so silly, you are also so compassionate.  You are so caring and thoughtful.  When Mal had her foot surgery you would pray for her before bed.  You have the nicest manners.  You are so watchful of your little brother, always sharing with him.  And let me tell you son, you are the light of his life!  If for some reason you are not in the car with us, he is staring at your carseat in disappointment.  Oh how I love to hear over the monitor in the mornings, you creep into Kip's room in the morning to wake him up while we are still in bed and Kiptyn squeeling "BUBBA!" through the monitor.  I was so nervous on how you would handle having a new baby come into the picture but you have completely thrived in the roll as "Big Brother".  To be honest, I think it has made you come out of your shell a little bit and not be so sensitive in some circumstances.  You are so willing to do whatever is needed with taking care of him. You constantly find his paci for him, love your nightly baths playing in the water together, feeding him your food, and reading to him before bed.  You love reading him "The very Cranky Bear". You do the voices and everything. You are definitely a growing boy.  You are eating non stop, I wonder how we are going to feed a house of 3 boys!

Jackson, you have been one of the biggest blessings God has given us.  We thank Him daily, he gave us the honor to be your parents.

Love you bud,

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