Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Confessions of a soccer wife surrounded by the VA mountains, my faith, many cups of coffee
and my 3 sweet men in this sometimes crazy, yet beautifully blessed life!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My favorite part of the day!

Every evening Jackson has his usual "night-night routine". This is one of my most favorite times of the day. Most evenings after dinner and playing Jackson takes a bath. We bathe him daily: 1. b/c there's so much stinking pollen out right now and he loves to go outside, 2. he gets into everything, and most importantly 3. the doctor told us to for his eczema.

After bath time, Jackson gets dressed in his jammies. Then it's time for prayers. Daddy usually sits on the left of Jackson, however he decided to be Mr. Photographer this evening. Jackson is so sweet! Each night he'll let us know who he wants to pray. Some evenings he'll say "Jackson pray" then squints his little eyes and starts mumbling. We may not understand, but I know God does! My most special moments with him!

Next we "read" the book: "The little Engine that could". Why am I using quotation marks for "read" you ask? Well for you parents out there who haven't read this book, pick it up. It's a long book for an almost 2 yr old. Or should I say, it's a long book for a parent to read their child when it's like t-minus 2 minutes til bedtime. Each evening Josh and I will make up a story to the pictures. Haha! That's probably why Buddy enjoys it so much. He never really knows what story he's going to get each night with the book. This is also really special to me too b/c when we moved in with Ma and Daddy a few months ago we stumbled upon this book. It was mine and Crystal's when we were little.

As much as I get tired of the same book, I love the fact he has things that are special to him... and special to me as well! :)

1 comment:

The Harris Family said...

That is awesome that he knows to kneel beside his bed and pray! Praise God! We pray every night with Cohen but hes not that advanced yet! Go Jackson! :)