Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Confessions of a soccer wife surrounded by the VA mountains, my faith, many cups of coffee
and my 3 sweet men in this sometimes crazy, yet beautifully blessed life!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Mother's Day Tea

With Mother's Day approaching on Sunday, I was able to go to the boys' school Monday and Tuesday this week and have "Muffins with Mom" and tea with them.  

Their classes did it on separate days so I was able to enjoy it with each of them 1on1.  It was so cute and exciting for the boys.  The teachers put so much thought into making it a special time with the little ones and I'm so thankful for that.  Jackson went to bed the night before telling me was was "so excited for our special day!".  Could he be any sweeter?!

Kip and I

Jackson ate 5 mini muffins!

J made a place mat and picked out to do his hand prints red because he knew that was my favorite color (melt my heart)!
One of Kip's class creations.  Has Pinterest written all over it doesn't it?  So cute!

We had a special lunch at Olive Garden last week since my Ma will be at the beach on Mother's Day.

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