Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Confessions of a soccer wife surrounded by the VA mountains, my faith, many cups of coffee
and my 3 sweet men in this sometimes crazy, yet beautifully blessed life!

Monday, November 8, 2010

"Rock a baby"

I had such a special moment with Jackson tonight. Since he was born, nights that he would wake up in the middle of the night, getting him back to sleep when he was just a baby I would rock him in our blue lazy boy chair and sing to him "How great is our God" for some reason. I could have gone with "Rock a bye baby" I guess but that song just would always come to me.

Tonight I layed Jackson down for bed, following a weekend where Josh and I were away from him at a couples retreat in Tennessee and as I was leaving his room he asked me, "Rock a baby Mommy". He had such a tender soft tone in his request, how could I resist? So I held him and started swaying back and forth just as he was a newborn. Then he said, "sing Mommy, sing". I said, "what do you want me to sing?". He responded with "the baby song". Not knowing what he was asking I started singing "Jesus loves me" b/c he's been doing that a lot in school. He then said "No! No! Mommy, the baby song". Literally having no idea what he wanted me to sing, I started singing "How great is our God". He didn't stop me after the first couple verses so I assumed he was satisfied. When I got to the chorus my sweet, precious 2 year old started joining in with me...

"How great is our God. Sing with me how great is our God. And all will see how great, how great, is our God"

My heart just melted and tears started streaming down my cheeks. If there is one thing that I teach Jackson, that would be the topper on the list. Letting him know just how great and amazing our God is!


April and Brad said...

And now I am so sweet :)

Keri Starr said...

I definitely just started crying!
And I think ya'll are doing a great job as parents teaching him how great our God is :) Love ya'll!