Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Confessions of a soccer wife surrounded by the VA mountains, my faith, many cups of coffee
and my 3 sweet men in this sometimes crazy, yet beautifully blessed life!

Monday, August 16, 2010

So silly!

I think it's so hilarious that my 2 year old knows what silly bands are! Is that not crazy?! He doesn't necessarily want to wear them 24/7 however he loves playing and organizing them like so:

For the record, I do need to let it be known that I have not purchased 1 band! He has received several from other kiddos or has been given packs upon packs of them. I think it's cute he's into collecting them and distributing them. Just like I did with Pogs years ago! Anyone remember pogs?! If you're in denial right now acting like you didn't collect them or play them with your slammer, you just go on b/c your lying to yourself. Everyone played with pogs!


amy said...

How cute! Girl, we have mounds of Silly Bandz!!! And i can honestly say i don't know what pogs are...honest! I guess it wasn't in my generation!!! lol!

The Harris Family said...

POGS! Are you kidding me of course I played with those, no denial here :) Cohen is a fan of silly bandz, he wants to eat them. He wont wear them for anything, I am trying to keep up with the latest fads of what kids are doing these days but Cohen disagrees, hehe :)