Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Confessions of a soccer wife surrounded by the VA mountains, my faith, many cups of coffee
and my 3 sweet men in this sometimes crazy, yet beautifully blessed life!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hot tub toddler!

Every day at the beach we'd have the same routine most days. We'd eat breakfast, head to the beach for a while and play in the sand and ocean, then off to the pool. Boy was Jackson a pro now in the ocean. He loved every second. We make our way to the pools (most of the time the indoor pool) and play for a little bit before lunch and nap. Once we went to the indoor pool, Jackson discovered the "hot pool" aka hot tub!
For the record I am not a bad mother. The hot tub was maybe 10 degrees warmer than the indoor pool itself...and who am I to deprive this sweet face time in the "hot pool"?!
Mommy and Daddy also really enjoyed the "hot pool" b/c this is how Jackson got after being in there for a few minutes... REALLY sleepy. Not that nap time or bedtime are ever a struggle, it just helped relax him and put him in the mood for night night time. :) Look at him,...he's practically almost asleep in the water!

Oh and more big boy news to share too! We had worked all week (plus at the beach with the friend family) on Jackson jumping into the boy by himself. By himself meaning that he wasn't holding on to anyone jumping into the water. Well on our last day in the pool Jackson just randomly decided he was going to be a big, brave little 2 year old and took off in the pool into my arms,...and then 50 times after that again! May not sound like a big deal, but this mommy was was beyond ecstatic and full of tears! My baby is not a baby at all anymore!
(*sniff sniff*)

1 comment:

Wolford Family said...

Love it! He is such a big boy and so darn cute!