Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Confessions of a soccer wife surrounded by the VA mountains, my faith, many cups of coffee
and my 3 sweet men in this sometimes crazy, yet beautifully blessed life!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The ♥ of a soccer wife...

This time of year is a little bit difficult for me with Josh having high school ball along with everything else. Now it's even a little bit harder with a baby. Instead of complaining about it and being negative I'm going to try to turn the tables a little bit.

Here are the SOME things I love about my husband:

*He talks to himself.
*If I'm mad at him or pouting about something he acts goofy to make me loosen up and laugh.
*He chomps his food while he eats,'s just funny b/c he doesn't even realize he's doing it.
*The thrill he gets from coaching. And how passionate he is about it!

*He gets so excited and proud of himself when he makes dinner,...hamburger helper or the taco kit,...I guess I gotta give him some credit!
*What a strong faith he has in the Lord.
*He loves to spend any extra second with Jackson.

*How him and his buddies can just reminisce about something that happen 10 years ago in highschool and laugh for hours about it still. And I STILL have no idea what their talking and laughing about...I don't want to mention any names (*cough* Chris and Tony *cough*)

*He leaves me notes around the house when I need encouragement.
*When we enter any kind of store he searches for another ball for Jackson. Okay hunnie, he's got enough,...and Kroger,...not the ideal place that sells baby toys!
*How we can just be sitting at the house and doing whatever and he turns the channel to #819 "The Heart" and asks me to dance with him (while singing to me in my ear). :) Those who haven't heard him sing,'re missing out!! :)

How him and Jackson just have had an instant bond since day's so heartwarming.

The list could go on....Thanks for being an amazing daddy and husband!! Love you hunnie!


Amy Wolford said...

ADORABLE!!! So excited to hang out with you guys tonight!

Amy Jo said...

sweet post :)