Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Confessions of a soccer wife surrounded by the VA mountains, my faith, many cups of coffee
and my 3 sweet men in this sometimes crazy, yet beautifully blessed life!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Has 9 months really gone by?

Okay I know everyone always talks about how time just flies by but OH-MY-GOSH I have a 9 month old! I think it kind of hit me at Riley Rew's 1st birthday that Jackson was getting really close to that milestone as well. What a joy and blessing it has been with a son. It's amazing being a mommy. It's undescribable!

Sorry I got all sentiminal for a sec there,... here's a few pics from Miss Riley's 1st Birthday party,... just a little late posting them. This was actually after most people left and they got to spend more time together. She's sharing her favorite book with him...and one of my personal favs!

Wow imagine that...our kiddos playing with a soccer ball!! :)

Also Jackson had his 9 month check up this week. He weighs 171b 13oz, he is 27.30 inches long, and his head has a circumference of 18.80 inches. He's eating more finger foods by himself and getting really use to his sippy cup! Also lately he's been crazy crawling and pulling up on EVERYTHING but this morning while I was making his breakfast I notice he was wobbling a little bit near his toy basket. Then, I noticed he was standing without leaning on it or anything else holding on to his favorite ball,...yeah I know ironic his favorite toy. My baby isn't so much of a baby anymore!! :(


April and Brad said...

He is TOOOOO cute!!! We need to catch up soon its been too long!

Wolford Family said...

I love the pics of them playing together! He's grown up so much...I bet he and Riley will be walking at the same time!!