Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Confessions of a soccer wife surrounded by the VA mountains, my faith, many cups of coffee
and my 3 sweet men in this sometimes crazy, yet beautifully blessed life!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Top 10 hints it's getting close to spring time!

*Top 10 hints that it’s getting close to spring time for the Jones Household*

1. American Idol is finally over with the people who can’t carry a tune and is down to the top 12,…now 13…Go Anoop Dogg!!!

2. Josh and I don’t see each other sometimes til bedtime on week days,…that’s right it’s game time!

3. It’s time to by those yummy chocolate Easter Eggs filled with stuff like peanut butter, butter cream…etc from Cyndee’s Church….DE-LI-CIOUS!!!

4. Ally May is caught sunbathing out on the back deck.

5. The Bachelor is over….by the way,…what in the world happened?!?!? I’m still distressed over it, can you tell?

6. SweetTart jelly beans are on the shelf in all major grocery stores and pharmacies.

7. I’m wanting to go a tad bit lighter with my hair color and a few inches shorter,…Josh too,…he’s always wanting me to go more blonde, shocking!

8. It’s time for daylight savings time, ugh!

9. Time for my semi annual dentist checkup, anyone who knows me well knows that I am a huge whiner when it comes to going to the dentist!!!

10. The weather feels like it’s almost time to break out the flipflops!

Oh yeah,...maybe we need a #11...Mr taking uncle Zack's sunglasses...c'mon warm weather!


April and Brad said...

Oh my! Little Jackson is too precious!

Emily said...

that little Jackson is growing up so quick!!!!! now if I could just convince Charley to get here and meet him, all would be right with the world!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sweet the sunglasses! I miss him and you guys...when can we get together soon?