Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Confessions of a soccer wife surrounded by the VA mountains, my faith, many cups of coffee
and my 3 sweet men in this sometimes crazy, yet beautifully blessed life!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Snow in April??

Looks like it snowed in Salem Friday night b/c we had all sorts of white in our yard!!

This is just our one tree in the front yard.

A special thanks to Josh's soccer ladies for our nice lawn decor! To their dismay, a little birdy told us what to be expecting so Josh, Rachel, Ryan and I were prepared! We were quietly waiting to corner them with water balloons and our hose in the driveway. We had very specific instructions, they didn't even see us coming! We had a good time, but I think the hose came back to bite us in the hiney b/c we have toilet paper stuck to our driveway and grass now. At least we'll know for next time.

Oh and just in case you are wondering, I'm sure after being in our home for 10 months our neighbors are just LOVING having a coach with the city of salem right beside them! I mean what neighbor doesn't want to be woken up at midnight to girls' loud shrieking and yelling!? Plus if their lucky, some of the tp may have blown in their yard for them too! bahaha!

One little fella did enjoy the tp!

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