Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Confessions of a soccer wife surrounded by the VA mountains, my faith, many cups of coffee
and my 3 sweet men in this sometimes crazy, yet beautifully blessed life!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Totally Toddler Status

For 14 months I have heard my husband still say that Jackson was in "Alien phase" (he says all babies look like aliens, no offense to any babies by the way, that's my husbands verdict not mine), however I completely disagree. He'd use to say,..."oh he's not eating table food" or "he's not walking" or "he's not talking",...that's why he wasn't even considered a baby or a toddler. HE IS NOW. He is blossoming into a little toddler now. He's been doing table food and sippy cups and such since he was 10 months and started walking right at a year. He loves to feed himself. He actually fusses and reaches for our fork and spoon now if we start feeding him ourselves. Here's him conquering his applesauce.
Mr. Independent brushing his teeth
At his year appointment his pediatrician suggested that now to keep his car seat "rear facing" instead of turning it around. Well we lasted 2 months with that recommendation. We love his pediatrician and usually go by what he suggests, it just wasn't realistic for buddy now. Jackson is getting taller and his feet are pushing at the seat the whole car ride. Doesn't he just look like a big boy in his front facing seat?!

Also,...biggest news: Drum role please,.....
Lately we've just been giving buddy his paci WHEN ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Well Thursday night came along last week and we had realized that he hadn't used it within the past couple days. So he's lasted almost a week without it, hey...Goodbye paci! I do have to admit that I was flying solo with Jackson this Saturday at my cousin's wedding and I brought it with us just in case of a meltdown emergency. Well when he did just started jabbering I resulted to try to it, so I could at least see a portion of the wedding. Well he didn't want to have anything to do with it. I guess he realized he didn't need it anymore,...what a big boy! Now paci,... I will miss you on those special circumstances in the grocery store when Jackson loves to hear himself echo in the cheese aisle, or at restaurants when he has a meltdown because he doesn't want to sit in one place for over 7 minutes, but I do think we're better off without you...thanks for your assistance for the first 13 1/2 months!
Boy has time flown by?! I am sadden at the thought of him not being my baby boy anymore but these past few months have just been really cool. Getting to see him do stuff on his own and be his own self. It's amazing to see him develop into a little toddler. What a blessing! :)


Wolford Family said...

looks like a little grown up ;-)
He's so precious!

Anonymous said...

You weren't lying when you told me he isn't a baby anymore....he looks like an adorable little man! Can't wait to see you guys Thursday.... :)
