Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Confessions of a soccer wife surrounded by the VA mountains, my faith, many cups of coffee
and my 3 sweet men in this sometimes crazy, yet beautifully blessed life!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Who is with me?!?!

Okay this is going to be more of a venting post. If you don't want to hear any complaining you many want to hit the "X" on the top right of your computer screen. No cute little baby boy pics or anything! I'm not a happy camper right now!
For the record, most know I am not a fan of the dentist. Not my personal dentist/office because they are great but just going to the dentist period! The experience is just never, ever, EVER a positive one coming out of.
Just to get you up to speed, my husband doesn't go to the dentist. Not because he doesn't want to, but because he doesn't need to. NO JOKE, after being married for a year (3 years ago), I made him go because he hadn't gone for literally 17 years, I'm not exaggerating! Well he went in (appt right before mine to make sure he actually showed up) and had NO cavities,...nothing. How is that?! Anyway he made the comment that the dentist told him "Wow I hope yall's children have your teeth". Well boy do I hope so. A couple years later I had to have a root canal, which was the worst pain I have EVER been in. And ever since pregnancy I have had more cavities in the past year and a half then I have had my entire life. RIDICULOUS!
Now to date (yesterday) I had a dentist appointment. I go in thinking that they are going to fill a couple cavities and since they aren't really deep they weren't going to give me any of the good stuff. Well after going at the first tooth they realize that it is deep, so the numb me...wahoo no pain. Then come to find that it is so deep it has rooted on my nerve or something to where I now have a 50/50 shot of having to have another root canal. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I brush my teeth twice a day and have been so super good lately of even flossing twice a day too. What else should I seriously be doing here? Eating all liquids so no food or drink touch my stupid teeth?
Oh,.. and I have to go back in June to fill the other tooth. I just think I need to have all teeth removed and have false ones so I don't have to worry about it and pay for billion dental bills. Who is with me!?


Amy Wolford said...

I'm so sorry, Kelly! My teeth have been worse since pregnancy too! Weird! I still say it's better than the gyno. ;-)

Keri Starr said...

ha yea i def. don't have the good teeth that the boys do!!
No matter how much i brush or floss, or anything, my teeth are HORRIBLE! They say if i drink anything other than purified water and eat anything with sugar it's going to continue to break down my enamel. i'm just hoping i make enough money to get lumineers and then i wouldn't have to worry about it. :)
i hate the dentist too :( im sorry chick!