Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Confessions of a soccer wife surrounded by the VA mountains, my faith, many cups of coffee
and my 3 sweet men in this sometimes crazy, yet beautifully blessed life!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Regis these are my lifelines:

Lately I have stubbled on some very valuable tools. I'm not sure if it's just come with age, or being a mother, or what but here are a few of my lifelines I use on a daily basis:
1. Coffee! Something I have every morning. Unfortunately I can't make it the way I like it so my mom has spoiled me making it JUST right (Monday thru Friday).

2. Google! Yes I know most people use it every now and then,...I probably use it about 10 times a day, least! When I was pregnant I starting utilizing it for the first time in my life.

3. Spray and Wash! It's not just the regular spray and wash my friends....this one has oxi clean with it to!! Double bonus!! Most of you know I do work in sales,...I could totally go door to door selling this product. Just spray in on the stain let it sit for less than 5 minutes and throw it in the wash. That's it!! No scrubbing!! Wahoo!

Update on Mr: He is on the go. I know last post I mentioned he was hopping forward and crawling backwards, now he's moving forward. Look at him go! :) Marty got him the jammies,...aren't they adorable?? It has a velcro cape! haha
Also he's tried several diffent foods, not just baby foods. Thanks to Aunt Cole he's tasted a yummy cream puff, lemon, and much more! haha

He fell asleep eating.

Batman and his daddy! PRECIOUS!


Wolford Family said...

aaww, so sweet! He's grown up so much just in the last month or so! Give him a kiss from his future mother in law ;-)

Emily said...

oh my heavens could "the" mr. and his daddy look anymore alike!!! Can't wait to see you this weekend...I seriously might be going through kelly withdrawls!!

ps. I'm totally going out today to get me some spray n know I'l be having poop up the back again in about a month...I mean not "me"...charley will be...but I'll be doing the washing!!!

Wolford Family said...

I'm seriously going through "wives club" withdrawals! I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL OUR SLEEPOVER!