Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Confessions of a soccer wife surrounded by the VA mountains, my faith, many cups of coffee
and my 3 sweet men in this sometimes crazy, yet beautifully blessed life!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Goodbye Glenmore Dr

For the past week we have been working on packing up and moving out of our house. We found renters and they are now living there. We 3, are staying with my parents til we find a house we'd like to make an offer on. It's a very exciting experience for us, however it is a little sad because it was our first home as a family of 3. We had our wonderful realtor take a pic of us in front of the house as we said goodbye!

We spent a good week packing, moving, and cleaning to have the house ready. We had amazing help from this cute little 19 month old. He is a professional with the swiffer duster!

Before taking down everything, I did get sentimental and took TONS of pics. This was Jackson's first room. Got me to "reminiscing" on how his room started. I had told Josh that I really wanted to paint Jackson's room a different color (which at that time I was pregnant). He said that was fine as long as it was a neutral color and I got the safe paint that I could paint with. So, here Emily and I go shopping at Sherwin-Williams with a sample of Jackson's sports theme room. Well we spent about 45 minutes in there debating whether to get a neutral color like I had agreed to or not. I guess from the picture you can tell, I did not go by my husband's wishes and we picked out the color in Josh's words we he came home and saw Buddy's walls completely painted in "doodoo green". I told him if he didn't like it he was welcome to paint over it himself. To end our story, it has stayed "doodoo green". I think it gave his room more of a personality don't you? I did learn some serious painting techniques on our excursion too. Oh what a fun and memorable day!

Saying goodbye to our old house...we decided to say hello to a big boy bed! We thought since we had to take down Buddy's crib we'd put it together as a toddler bed. He seems to really like it. I've read that when transitioning kiddos from crib to toddler bed to really talk it up. Get excited calling it "Jackson's big boy bed! :)". So far Jackson has been sleeping in his big boy bed for 8 days and only 1 was unsuccessful. Josh came in one morning to find Jackson asleep on the floor in the corner of the room-haha!

Now it's time to start some serious house hunting!

1 comment:

Keri Starr said...

ahh the memories!! but you will soon find a new house and make more memories! love you guys :)

haha and i had to laugh when i read about the green walls...just as i laughed when it happened.