Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Confessions of a soccer wife surrounded by the VA mountains, my faith, many cups of coffee
and my 3 sweet men in this sometimes crazy, yet beautifully blessed life!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


This fall I feel like our family has constantly been on the road.  And by fall I actually mean since like the beginning of September...I consider that month fall too.  We have had soccer tournaments, games and mini trips and our boys have been T-R-O-O-P-E-R-S!  With soccer trips we always try to squeeze in something extra fun for them.  In Charlottesville we went to this Bounce House.  I loved the security check in/checkout they had and it was different than any other JUMP place we've been to.

They had a washable color wall to use markers on.  Mommy enjoyed that!

Toddler Roller Coaster!

They had a specific "toddler" area for kids under 2.  It was perfect for Kip!

...and perfect for J.  He of course wanted to play wherever Kiptyn was.

They even had a particular blowup just for 2 and under too....Jackson passes for 2 years old, right?

....oh did that sign say 2 and under??  I think Josh may have bent the rules there.

Of course we can't go to any place out of the area without first checking if there's a Steak N Shake or Tropical Smoothie.  Don't underestimate the Jones....we plan our trips around good food. 

Jackson had been wonderful so we let him get his own smoothie, not the "kiddie size".

Charlottesville down, off to Richmond for one more tourney this weekend!

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