Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Confessions of a soccer wife surrounded by the VA mountains, my faith, many cups of coffee
and my 3 sweet men in this sometimes crazy, yet beautifully blessed life!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


So behind on blogging but here are some pics of our Easter this year.

We had so much fun dying Easter eggs for the first time. Yes Jackson is almost 3 and we hadn't dyed eggs with him, horrible parents aren't we! We found some old egg dying packages from what we meant to do last year so the color wasn't too great on the eggs,...I think Jackson's fingers were colored more than the eggs!

Rachel's egg work:

Ryan's 1 egg:

Jackson probably did a dozen himself. He loved the fact that there were silly face stickers to go on the eggs after coloring them!

After about an hour we finally made Josh dye an egg. It had to be the entire family participating!

Our finished products. Oh and by the way while finding the egg dying kits we also found maybe 20 Easter baskets in our attic. How in the world we had that many I have no idea, but goodwill they are coming your way!

My beautiful eggs!

Jackson's Easter basket full of goodies.

Wow, the hair fairy must have been with the Easter bunny on his trip this year!

Sweet "baby Ryan" at Easter lunch.

Jackson was super pumped to get a rocket from Auntie Meghann and Uncle Zack for Easter. They totally outdid the Easter bunny!

Hunting for "eggys"!

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