Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Keeping up with the Jones Crew

Confessions of a soccer wife surrounded by the VA mountains, my faith, many cups of coffee
and my 3 sweet men in this sometimes crazy, yet beautifully blessed life!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Too much to say Tuesday!

Okay we all know I cannot just put a picture up here and say nothing. Jackson and I went to target this Saturday to look for a bridal shower gift. Last minute like usual, with the shower being early afternoon in Christiansburg. Anyhow, Jackson has been behaving really well lately so I told him he could pick out some "choochoo trains". He was beyond estatic. All weekend long we had to bring his 2 new trains with us, "Emily" and "Bill".

Saturday evening roled around and Josh and I were playing choochoos with Jackson. Before I knew it my face had become the tracks for his trains, and one thing led to another and this happened:

For the record "Bill" is the quickest yellow toy train I've ever seen. He was maybe "riding" my hairline for 4 seconds!

Jackson now knows that Mommy's head isn't used for a track and felt bad it "hurt Mommy". Bill however, learned not to mess with my hair and got his fair share by being in timeout for the rest of the evening! So sorry Bill!

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